HSE calls for radical approach to site safety…

In an exclusive video interview with trade magazine Construction News, Health and Safety Executive construction chief inspector Stephen Williams has said that the political climate is right for ‘more radical solutions’ to the construction industry’s safety problem.

View the video here.

Industry indifferent to plant theft…

The National Plant & Equipment Register (TER) says that all parties involved with construction, demolition, quarrying and agricultural equipment are ‘institutionally indifferent’ to the theft of equipment, which runs at more than £1M/week (source: Home Office) in the UK alone.

Read the full story here.

London 2012 job scam uncovered…

Hundreds of eastern European workers have been duped in a scam promising non-existent jobs at the London 2012 Olympic site, BBC London has found.
An investigation revealed that 550 Slovakians handed over cash deposits of £600 to convicted fraudster Nigel Lewis, who is based in east London.
Read the full story here.

Armoury demolition underway…

Passersby watched this week as three buildings on the site of the old Nevada National Guard Armory on south Carson Street were turned into rubble.

Further details here.

NDA academy spaces still available…

Limited space still remains for the National Demolition Association’s new Demolition Academy, a three-day educational program offering the latest safety information and management training for the demolition industry, Oct. 15-17 at the Renaissance Concourse Hotel in Atlanta.

Further information here.

Pier demolition to start soon…

Demolition work will finally start on Weston-super-Mare’s Grand Pier in the UK next week. The entire pavilion building and most of the attractions inside were destroyed when fire ripped through the building on July 28.

Three arrested over asbestos dumping…

Three Polk County men have been arrested following an investigation into illegal dumping of asbestos-laden demolition debris into the Green Swamp in Auburndale, Florida.

Read the full story here.

Dome deflation signals demolition…

It will take less than 45 minutes to deflate the roof of the RCA dome later this month, more than 24 years after the former home of the Colts became a staple on the Indianapolis skyline.

Full story here.

They do things differently in Japan…

The Japanese have come up with new innovative way to demolish a sky scraper. The Kajima Corporation says that its method of deconstructing a tower block – rather than imploding the structure with the careful placement of explosives – saves time and space, has less impact on the environment and makes the recycling of materials easier.

Click here to read more and also to see a movie of the process in action.

Nairobi’s sewer line houses face demolition…

Buildings constructed over sewer lines in residential areas face the possibility of demolition as the Athi Water Service board embarks on the expansion programme of the sewer infrastructure in Nairobi.

This follows implementation of the Nairobi River basin programme by National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) and other government agencies to restore Nairobi water basin.

Read the full story here.