Demolition company fined following site death…

UK demolition contractor PC Richardson has been fined £100,000 following a fatal accident in which one of its workers was killed while working on nuclear decommissioning at the Sellafield site in Cumbria.  Meanwhile PC Richardson’s client Sellafield Ltd was fined £150,000.

The penalties came after 36-year-old Richardson employee Neil Cannon was killed in January 2003 when he fell 95 metres while removing steelwork inside a pile chimney.

Read the full story here.

Scottish company hit with crusher prohibition…

The UK’s Health & Safety Executive has hit a Scottish company with a prohibition notice following a site visit that identified “various hazards” including Whole Body Vibration, dust and noise.

The prohibition notice, which can be viewed on the attached pdf document, comes hot on the heels of the publication of the National Federation of Demolition Contractors’ crusher guidance note that recommend that operators are not onboard the machine while it is in operation.


Cotton mill imposion…

Yesterday (19 November 2008) saw the long awaited implosion of the Dan Rive Dye Mill in Danville, VA. This video takes a while to get to the actual implosion but its worth sticking with it to see the left-hand chimney/tower shed its skin as it falls.

New Sandvik breakers…

D&Ri’s Lindsay Gale reports that Sandvik is in the process of introducing a new generation of medium sized hydraulic breakers. The first, the BR 2155, was launched at this year’s ConExpo and a second, the BR 2577, is due to hit the market very soon.

Read the full story here.

Russian explosive demolition compilation…

A truly, remarkably bad idea…

I would NEVER advise anyone to try to run an excavator down a ramp comprising a pair or unsecured I beams, particularly when they’re covered in snow!!

French high reach in action…

A nice clip of a Caterpillar 365BL high reach demolition spec machine in action for French company Ferrari.

High Reach Guidance presentation…

Here is an exclusive download of Mark Anthony’s presentation at the recent EDA seminar in Istanbul which contends that the EDA should have merely adopted the NFDC’s original guidance as its own.
This presentation is best read after viewing Stefano Panseri’s presentation of the EDA’s own findings which can be viewed here:

What were they thinking…?

I simply don’t have the words to express my feelings on this photo:

My thanks to for drawing our attention to this image.

Demolition quote of the moment…

“…high reach excavators are like surgically enhanced breasts. They are unnatural; their cost is disproportionate to their additional utilisation; and our fixation with them does us no credit…”
Mark Anthony