Swedish time-lapse video…

Regular Demolition News contributor Hans Karlsson has posted another nice time-lapse video showing a demolition project in progress in the Swedish city of Malmo.

As ever, Hans’ contribution is accompanied by an “interesting” soundtrack!!

Dutch implosion…

According to the web traffic statistics for the latter half of 2008, videos showing implosions are among Demolition News readers’ favourites so here, by way of a New Year’s gift, is a nice new one from the Netherlands:

New Year’s Message…

As we prepare to say goodbye to 2008 and herald in 2009, Demolition News has been speaking to some of the leaders on the demolition industry to gauge their personal, business and industry hopes, aspirations and fears for the coming year.

These will be posted as they arrive, starting with this surprisingly bullish comment from the US’ National Demolition Association’s Executive Director, Mike Taylor:

“…I am bullish about 2009. I think it likely that our long commitment to the Iraqi people will be winding down and the $12 Billion Dollars a month we are spending there may decrease. I am excited, as is the world, about the promise of our new President. In addition to helping end our long psychological battle with the whole issue of slavery in the United States, the election of Mr. Obama could spell a new era for America. I await with great anticipation what he will say on January 20th at his inauguration and the plans he has for us.

I think our industry will persevere as it always does in difficult economic times. We are nothing if not flexible so if one market dries up, our people adjust and look for opportunities in other segments. We represent that “last of the great American and Canadian rugged entrepreneurs” who know how to survive and prosper, lessons learned through years of trial and error.

I recently told my Board that one of the things that gets me up and out of bed every morning is what Ronald Reagan used as an early campaign slogan in the 1980s. “It’s dawn in America.” Corny though it be, I believe it. Our best days are ahead of us…”

Michael R. Taylor, CAE
Executive Director
National Demolition Association

During 2009, I would like to see:

  • The IDE develop a route, via the NVQ system, to ensure that the older IDE enrolled members, who are apprehensive of the entrance exam, become full members of the only institute in the World that promotes the science and skills of demolition engineering;
  • More government funding to develop demolition operatives at “grass roots” level and encourage people to enter the demolition industry via college courses. At present in the Midlands courses are available to allow school leavers to become “nail technicians” and “hair stylists” but not to become demolition operatives. ConstructionSkills run courses at Bircham Newton but places are for those who already have a job placement rather than school leavers;
  • Banks realising that small businesses of 2009 can become major employers in 2012 and help from time to time as required. Many businesses need short term funding to assist with cashflow rather than loans secured against property holdings. A more flexible approach will pay dividends in the long term;
  • The HSE prosecuting a couple of “big name” developers for the consistent failure to appoint CDM-C’s on time (or at all) for demolition projects. The best way to move CDM forward is to make examples of those who should know better.
  • The demolition industry to continue, via the NDTG, to train our workforce and managers to ensure that the deaths and major injury incidence continues to fall.
  • The industry continueing to lead the way with recycling of products such as blown foam composite panels, plasterboard and UPVC, and that guidance is published quickly to provide advice as to how to deal with these issues.

From a more personal standpoint, I would like:

  • Wolves to win promotion to the Premier League (as Champions) and then to be able to stay there rather than go straight back down like they did last time.
  • To spend more time coarse fishing and to catch increasingly bigger carp.
  • To lose the weight I put on over Xmas, and then to keep it off as I will soon need to change my car to a low loader to move around the country!
  • To spend more time with my wife Jill doing the things we both like to do.

John Woodward
Institute of Demolition Engineers

Please use the comments facility below to add you own thoughts on the coming year.

First mobile crusher from Inertia…

Inertia, a brand name that is largely unknown this side of the Atlantic, has unveiled its first-ever track-mounted mobile crusher.

Outline details of the new machine can be viewed here.

Attorney general to investogate illegal dumping…

The Pennsylvania attorney general’s office is to investigate how more than 20 tonnes of construction and demolition waste found its way into an operational cement works.

Read the full story here.

Demolition News offers two forms of instant update…

When we set up www.demolitionnews.com, our sole intention was to bring our readers the very latest industry-related information as quickly and as seamlessly as possible in a variety of text, audio and video formats.

However, while we’re often posting several new items each working day, the site has still required you to take the time and effort to visit the site on a regular basis to keep abreast of the very latest developments.

Not any more.

By harnessing some of the very latest online technology, we are now able to deliver the very latest news direct to your desktop and even some mobile devices such as the Apple iPhone.

To take advantage of this rapid news delivery, readers have two basic options:

• Twitter

The majority of today’s web browsers are supplied with a free RSS Feed Reader. If your has one, simply visit http://www.demolitionnews.com/feed/ and hit the subscribe button. All new entries on the site will be delivered, free-of-charge, direct to your desktop automatically.

Just as simple is a free subscription to the online messaging service Twitter (www.twitter.com). Simply visit the site, sign up for a free subscription and then go to www.twitter.com/demolitionnews and hit the follow button to receive automatic updates to your desktop via this route. (Anyone lucky enough to own an iPhone will be delighted to know that Twitter works superbly on this device, allowing you to read these updates on the move).

Finally, we are currently laying plans to bring the Demolition News audio and video podcasts to the Apple iTunes store, allowing you to take relevant, timely and (hopefully) entertaining content with you wherever you go.

We hope that you will take advantage of these new developments and look forward to bringing you more in the New Year.

Demolition News

Aggregate Levy decision could impact upon recycling…

The Aggregates Levy, originally introduced as an environmental measure to encourage greater use of recycled or secondary materials, could be scrapped following a decision by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) that the justification for the charge should be reviewed.

According to UK trade magazine Contract JOurnal, the ECJ overturned a 2006 decision of the European Court of First Instance (CFI) that the 2002 Aggregates Levy was lawful and did not constitute State Aid.

Read the full story here.

Take safety with you, wherever you go…

The UK’s Health & Safety Executive, an organisation not normally known for its use of cutting-edge technology, has embraced the iPod and is now offering regular audio podcasts that are free to download on iTunes.

Anyone owning an iPod, iPhone or iTouch can simply search for the HSE within the podcast area of iTunes where they can subscribe to receive each podast as it arrives.

Those with standard MP3 players or who wish to listen to the podcasts via their computer can simply click here.

Earthmoving end-of-life directive…

Trade magazine D&RI is reporting that the International Organisation for Standardisation has issued an end-of life directive for earthmoving equipment.

To read the article and to view the guidelines, please click here.

A very Merry Christmas…

The past three months has been an incredibly exciting and rewarding time for all of us here at Demolition News.

In that time, our concept has evolved from an idea to a living, breathing website with its own magazine and a rapidly-expanding raneg of audio and video podcasts. During our first month of operation, this website received just over 100 unique visitors. Today, we’re exceeding that number each and every day (even weekends).

And we’re not finished yet. With the help and support of our various sponsors and supporters, we will continue to deliver insightful, timely and valuable information for all our readers during 2009. Furthermore, it is our intention to ensure that our audio and video content will also be available through iTunes, allowing our “readers” to take our information with them wherever they go.

So as we all take a well-earned rest and prepare for what threatens to be a very difficult year for our industry, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all our sponors, supporters and readers for their continued support.

And may we wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy, peaceful New Year.