Photo competition winner announced…

Alan Jones of Brown & Mason has won the Demolition News photo competition.

Back in the middle of April, we launched our latest competition; to find the best demolition photograph from among our many readers, subscribers and now listeners. And we weren’t disappointed. In fact, we were inundated by photos from demolition sites across the globe, including a good few from equipment manufacturers who assured us they had no interest in winning a model of the Komatsu PC450 high reach excavator.

However, after much analysis and discussion, we have finally decided that Alan Jones of UK demolition contractor Brown & Mason was a deserving winner for both the quality AND the quantity of photos he submitted.

A couple of examples of Alan’s handiwork are shown here, while his 1:50 scale model prize will be winging its way to hi shortly. Congratulations Alan.

The benefits and pitfalls of Photoshop…

A pair of photos sent to Demolition News highlight the benefits and pitfalls of Photoshop.

I am sure we’re all aware of the ability of the Photoshop software program to manipulate photos. If the tabloid media is to be believed, many of the supermodels that grace the cover Vogue are, in fact, spotty-faced individuals with wrinkles and cellulite. But thanks to the wizardry of Photoshop, they look utterly flawless. According to one industry insider, a certain un-named equipment has long since eschewed muddy demolition and construction sites for its brochure photography, preferring instead to photograph its equipment in a studio environment and adding the nasty mud later using Photoshop.

Used properly, Photoshop undoubtedly has the ability to accentuate, to make a good photo a truly great photo, as the shot above clearly illustrates.

However, in the wrong hands, it can make a perfectly ordinary and workmanlike photo appear to be the work of a seven year old child with a pot of glue and some scissors. Artistic types beware!

Oversized attachment anyone?
Oversized attachment anyone?

We got GOLD…

The up and coming Taekwon Do star sponsored by Demolition News has won gold.

Regular readers of Demolition News will recall that a few months ago we made an appeal to help sponsor Leanne Evans, a rising Taekwon Do star and a possible contender for the London 2012 Olympics.

Well, the response was overwhelming with the likes of AR Demolition, C&D Consultancy, Demolition News and Erith Group backing Leanne in her bid for glory in the European Championships that has been taking place in Croatia this week.

And we’re delighted they did. We have just received a phone call live from the stadium to say that Leanne has secured gold in the three categories in which she competes; and, better still, that she has been crowned European Champion.

Below is an extract from Leanne’s letter of thanks received just before she headed for Croatia:

I would like to take this opportunity to formally thank you all for your generous donations. The chance to compete at the European Championships is only something which I could have once only dreamed of.
I had never expected that competing at an international level would open so many doors for me; I am now increasing my levels of training in preparation for the competition which has allowed me to improve enormously. I have done various martial-arts since the age of four and have a real love and passion for the sport. I have always competed in national competitions, but thanks to your contributions I feel that I can really reach my full potential by competing abroad.

Exclusive Podcast – Bad Vibrations…

Demolition News discusses the impact of Hand Arm and Whole Body vibration.

Huw Kellett

Whole Body and Hand Arm vibration are a constant cause for concern on demolition sites across the globe. Indeed, the Health and Safety Executive’s decision to prohibit operators from being on board mobile crushers while they’re in operation, and the NFDC’s subsequent guidance notes which echoed this line, was prompted as much by concerns over vibration as it was by concerns over more obvious hazards such as operatives falling into the crushing chamber.

In this exclusive Demolition Podcast Network broadcast, we spoke to Huw Kellet, head of occupational hygiene at Riverside Environmental Services and an expert in the field of Hand Arm and Whole Body Vibration.

Click the blue link (below) to listen to the podcast.

Bad Vibrations Podcast

Alternatively, please visit iTunes to download this and our numerous other podcasts direct to your iPod, iPod Touch or iPhone device.

Demolition News AudioBoo…

Demolition News is now using AudioBoo to deliver up-to-the-minute audio updates.

It is a truly terrible name for what is, in fact, a superb product. AudioBoo, for the uninitiated, is an audio blogging system that allows iPhone users (and yes, we’re among the priveleged few) to record and broadcast short (maximum three minute) audio messages for broadcast on the Internet.

While we’re obviously planning to maintain our output of longer, more in-depth podcasts, we feel that this is an excellent way to provide you – our readers and listeners – with as-it-happens audio from key events such as next week’s European Demolition Association conference in Nice.

We have recorded a brief, introductory welcome message which you can hear by clicking here but please watch this space for future “Boos” (and apologies once again for this hideous product name.

New NFDC president profiled…

David Darsey, National Federation of Demolition Contractors president, profiled in D&Ri.

David Darsey
David Darsey
D&Ri’s Lindsay Gale has wasted no time in securing an exclusive interview with newly-elected NFDC president, David Darsey.

In a revealing interview, Darsey reveals his concerns about the current state of the UK demolition industry but also reflects upon the importance of training and occupational health during the current downturn.

Equally telling is his comment that his presidency is the culmination of a 10 year journey, during which he has been supported by his brothers, fellow directors and staff at Erith Group.

Please click here to read the full article.

Exclusive Audio Podcast – Occupational Health…

Interview with Nichola Elvy, founder and managing director of Building Health Ltd.

Nichola Elvy
Nichola Elvy
Having made huge strides to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities on its sites, the demolition industry is now turning its attention to the issue of occupational health and site welfare.

And that move could not be more timely.

An increasing number of major contractors, utilities companies and transport organisations are now insisting upon health screening and monitoring as part of thir pre-qualification and tendering process.
Against this background, we spoke to Nichola Elvy, occupational health nurse and former HSE inspector and the founder/managing director of the award-winning occupational health consultancy, Building Health.

To listen to that interview, please click the blue link below.

Occupational Health Podcast

Alternatively, please visit iTunes to download this and our numerous other podcasts direct to your iPod, iPod Touch or iPhone device.

For further details on the services offered by Building Health Ltd, please click here.

FREE training consultation…

C&D Consultancy is offering a FREE, no-obligation demolition training audit.

Midlands-based C&D Consultancy has announced that it is to offer a free, no-obligation consultation with its training co-ordinator to help clients develop a training plan for their employees. This free “audit” will also include advice about specific courses, the latest legislative requirements, and relevant CSCS/CPCS card schemes.

Click here for further details.

Lawson lands The Orb…

UK demolition contractor wins contract at The Orb Steelworks in Newport.

Lawson Demolition has been chosen to undertake a demolition project at the site of the Orb Steelworks in Newport. The old steelworks, which was once a central part of Newport’s industry, is due to be given a new lease of life as part of a development by Taylor Wimpey South Wales; the first stage of which is the demolition of the current buildings, due to commence at the end of June 2009. The demolition, which is due to continue through to October 2009, is the initial part of the plans by Taylor Wimpey to redevelop the site.

Read the full story here.

If you can’t get enough Cat…

Caterpillar announces the launch of its first “retail lifestyle” store.

There was a time, not so long ago, when a person could show their love for their Caterpillar equipment with a simple, understated baseball cap sporting the US giant’s familiar three-letter logo. But then came the worldwide explosion in the popularity of Caterpillar boots and the earthmoving-fashion landscape was changed forever.

But, in a bizarre twist, this is set to continue with the opening of a “lifestyle retail store” in the Dubai Mall.

Given the fact that Dubai, currently the world’s largest construction site, is today the home away from home for Premiership footballers and their “WAGs” (wives and girlfriends), expect to see Caterpillar workwear gracing the terraces of Stamford Bridge, Old Trafford and Upton Park very soon.

Read the full story here.