Dutch implosion…

According to the web traffic statistics for the latter half of 2008, videos showing implosions are among Demolition News readers’ favourites so here, by way of a New Year’s gift, is a nice new one from the Netherlands:

No Quick Fix on Quick Couplers…

It is now almost three months since the Health and Safety Executive introduced new regulations that effectively outlawed the manufacture and sale of “semi-automatic” quick couplers. Designed to prevent the use of the types of hitches requiring the manual insertion of a retaining pin, which have been identified as a direct or indirect cause of…Read moreRead more

Just when you think you’ve seen everything…

Having written on the subject of construction and demolition for the best part of a quarter of a century, you’d think I had seen it all by now. And yet, the innovation, inventiveness and utter lunacy of some demolition work can still throw up the occasional surprise:

Exclusive podcast – Interview with John Woodward…

One of the judges at the 2009 Demolition Awards will be John Woodward, newly-elected vice-president of the Institute of Demolition Engineers. In this exclusive interview, Demolition News speaks to Woodward about his part in these exciting awards:

Exclusive podcast – Interview with Lindsay Gale…

The international trade magazine Demolition & Recycling International (D&Ri) recently announced plans to host the first-ever award ceremony to recognise the work of demolition professionals the world over. In this exclusive podcast, D&Ri editor Lindsay Gale – the driving force behind the awards – highlights his hopes and aims for the Demolition Awards:

Ebbw Vale flats tumble…

Nice video showing Welsh contractor Cuddy Demolition & Dismantling despatching derelict flats at Briery Hill, Ebbw Vale.

Grain elevator implosion…

The following video shows the explosive demolition of a grain elevator at the port of Baltimore in the US. Just wish they’d had the foresight to turn off the vehicle’s windshield wipers while filming:

What exclusion zone…?

Apparently, the concept of an exclusion zone prior to and during a controlled implosion is not familiar to all:

Cooling towers tumble…

Nice video showing the implosion of two cooling towers at Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Massive Tower DemolitionUploaded by DiagonalView

Long Hall implosion…

The Implosion of Long Hall, November 22, 2008 at Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana