Poles brave elements to fell Lodz hotel. Here in the UK, a single flake of snow can bring traffic to a standstill and have children dashing for the nearest toboggan. In Poland, however, snow means it’s just another day and, in demolition terms, a slightly less dusty one. Check out this film which details the…Read moreRead more
Video – Oh the weather outside is frightful…
Video – There’s one born every minute…
Another escapee from the gene pool’s shallow end. Just because someone CAN swing a sledgehammer doesn’t necessarily mean that they SHOULD. Check out this new recruit to the 40-watt Club as he comes face-to-face with gravity.
Video – CDI says so long to silos…
CDI sees out 2014 with yet another text book blast. 2014 was another mammoth year for the team at Controlled Demolition Inc. And while most of us were recovering from our Christmas excesses, the crew saw out the old year with another successful blast on 29 December. The latest blast brought down two 170-foot-high concrete…Read moreRead more
Video – Exclusive Volvo walk-around…
Up close with the new standard in demolition spec excavators. Just before Christmas, we visited the new home of Fabrications by Design to check out the demolition additions they had made to AR Demolition’s new Volvo EC480 excavator. But while we went armed with a second-hand Flip camera, the boys at Diggers and Dozers took…Read moreRead more
Video – First Friday…
We have made a New Year’s Resolution; but we need you to help us fulfil it. It is the dawning of a New Year, a time when we all make promises for the New Year in the vain hope that – by this time next year – we will be thinner, fitter, smoke-free and just…Read moreRead more
Video – Bay Bridge update…
Concrete columns fall as Bat Bridge demolition stays on schedule. We have been following the ongoing demolition of the Bay Bridge – sadly, at a distance – for some months now. So we were delighted to uncover this excellent video that shows the ongoing demolition of the old bridge’s concrete supporting columns.
Are these the 10 best blasts of 2014…?
Curbed magazine has chosen its 10 most aesthetically-pleasing implosions of the year. Beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder (which suggests that Piers Morgan’s wife must have very strange eyes indeed). But curbed magazine has pulled together a compilation of the most aesthetically-pleasing demolition blasts of the past 12 months. Regardless…Read moreRead more
Video – Russian stand-up star…
Russians end demolition year with egg on their faceski. It was an opportunity to see out the old year with a spectacular high rise blast for the ages. But good fortune was, apparently, still feeling the effects of its Christmas excesses when Russian engineers hit the plunger on this high rise blast. And, instead of…Read moreRead more
Video – We wish you a Merry Christmas…
A very merry Christmas and a safe, happy and prosperous New Year to all the readers of DemolitionNews.com.
Video – Epic stadium implosion…
Kyle Field checks out in awesome style. In some ways, it’s a shame that this film didn’t drop just a few days later; because this would be a truly awesome way in which to draw a veil over 2014. The implosion of a portion of the Kyle Field stadium this weekend was an object lesson…Read moreRead more