Video – From on high…

Chain of Rocks bridge blast filmed from the skies. Explosive bridge demolition is always quite a spectacle; but it’s even more spectacular when it is filmed from several hundred feet in the air. We brought you some raw footage of the blast that felled the main part of the infamous Chain of Rocks bridge last…Read moreRead more

Video – Building collapse engulfs excavator…

WARNING – This one looks VERY serious. This film comes with no levity and no comment. This is a truly awful and unplanned collapse and we can only hope that – by some miracle – the operator survived.

Video – Timing is everything…

You can wait hours for a bus and then, just when you don’t need one… Anyone that has ever attended an explosive demolition event will be familiar with the type. They artive hours before the event carrying fold-out chairs and sleeping bags, flasks of coffee, pre-made sandwiches, and more camera equipment than the average television…Read moreRead more

World Exclusive – Power station panacea…

Coleman & Company unleashes new Liebherr 974 at Didcot Power Station. Few would argue that Liebherr make some of the best excavators in the world. But add a full demolition package, equip it with a massive LaBounty MSD7500R shear and trick it out in the striking livery of UK contractor Coleman & Company and a…Read moreRead more

Video – Chain of Rocks revisited…

Main span hits the water as second blast takes place. The second of three planned blasts dropped another section of the infamous Chain of Rocks bridge into the canal below just a few minutes ago. The bridge used to carry Interstate 270, but was recently replaced with a new bridge, north of the old location….Read moreRead more

Video – Penthouse pulled…

Cat excavator downs upper floors of Cocoa Beach apartment block. The revolution is afoot. The working man has risen up and declared war on his moneyed former master, wreaking revenge on his one-time oppressor through the destruction of that most coveted of capitalist trappings – The penthouse. Either that, or it’s a Caterpillar excavator pulling…Read moreRead more

Video – Coleman’s remote control robot goes to work…

Look ma, no hands…or operator. Regular readers will recall that way back in June last year we brought you some exclusive footage of a new remote controlled demolition excavator that had been developed by JCB for Birmingham-based Coleman & Company. Well that machine has now gone to work and we have some more footage of…Read moreRead more

Video – Not so noisy neighbours…

So close, I can almost smell it. You probably all remember what happened the last time a demolition company came a’knocking on the portcullis at the entrance of Demolition News Towers. Thankfully, the latest demolition visit to leafy Epsom was far more peaceable. I opened my front door about a week ago to spy –…Read moreRead more

Video – Bleachers buckle…

Sun Devil stadium demolition underway. The first phase of Arizona State’s $256 million renovation of Sun Devil Stadium is underway. This phase will pave the way for a new student section to be built in its place, but right now, the stands have been reduced to a pile of twisted metal. Sun Devil Stadium Demolition…Read moreRead more

Video – Blast marks the end at Sparrow Point…

Poignant farewell to former steel-making stronghold. The most visible vestige of Sparrows Point’s steelmaking past tumbled to the ground yesterday afternoon as workers from CDI imploded the property’s L Blast Furnace. Workers have been planning for months to bring down the furnace with explosives, part of the ongoing work to demolish structures in advance of…Read moreRead more