Newline Midlands takes charge after former cigarette factory goes up in smoke. The roof of the former Player’s factory in Radford came tumbling to the ground on Thursday morning as demolition work began on the fire-struck building. Huge sections of wall were brought down revealing the still-smoking interior of what is now student accommodation. The…Read moreRead more
Video – Demolition underway at factory blaze site…
Video – Hold back the river…
Canal temporarily diverted during complex aqueduct demolition works. Electrified railway lines and large volumes of canal water do not a good mix make. So this incredible film demonstrates the engineering ingenuity required to replace an aqueduct over a railway line. The time-lapse footage from Network Rail shows the Forth and Clyde canal being drained and…Read moreRead more
Video Exclusive – Love at first bite…
Carey Group kick starts redevelopment of Reading town centre. After several months of preparation, demolition work has finally started on several large structures in Garrard Street in Reading. And Demolition News was there to film the first bite. We will be reporting on the contract more fully in the next edition of the Demolition magazine….Read moreRead more
Video – Long way from home…
Brit input into New Zealand high reach demolition. When a new video from our buddies at Nikau Group lands in our inbox, we generally know what to expect – High quality video, stunning blue skies, and New Zealand accents. So when we received this one, the voiceover threw us at first. But look closely at…Read moreRead more
Video – JCB dismantles its own history to create legacy…
JCB excavators move in to destroy former company factory. The redevelopment of a former JCB factory site in the centre of Uttoxeter has taken another big leap forwards with work now underway to break up more than 34,000 tonnes of concrete. The Pinfold Street site was home to manufacturing for almost 140 years, firstly for…Read moreRead more
Video – Where old meets new…
Drone captures never-seen-before footage of wrecking ball in action. Wrecking balls videos are like London buses it seems; you wait an age for one to come along and then two arrive together. This one is a bit different, however. Here in the UK, it’s fair to say that no wrecking balls has been used in…Read moreRead more
Video – Two balls are better than one…
Twin wrecking balls tackle German demolition. Call me a purist, but to my mind there’s only one thing better than a well-aimed wrecking ball; and that’s two well-aimed wrecking balls. So for those of you who, like me, are of a certain vintage and still hanker quietly for the days of old, this video is…Read moreRead more
Video – Mattress stack takes long lie down…
Crews push over stack that had stood sentry at Lockland mattress company. The smoke stack from the former Stearns and Foster Mattress Company in Lockland came down at noon yesterday. The smokestack has been a symbol of Lockland for many years. It’s the last piece of several buildings abandoned years ago. The hope was that…Read moreRead more
Video – Long Island bridge blasted…
First of series of implosions fells part of span. A large section of the Long Island Bridge was demolished Monday as contractors imploded a 750-foot-long piece that connects to the island, officials said. The Coast Guard had set up a 1,000-yard safety zone between Moon Island and Long Island, and marine units from State, Boston,…Read moreRead more
Video – Epic time-lapse…
High reach excavators set to work on Toronto tower block. This is a short (but awesome) time-lapse movie comprised of six sequences shot on March 19, 2015 between 1400 – 1800 hrs, documenting the demolition of architect Peter Dickinson’s 1950’s modernist style residential tower in Regent Park, Toronto, Canada. The controlled demolition is being carried…Read moreRead more