Beach house demolition gets the hip-hop treatment. Homer Simpson put it best when he said: “I used to rock and roll all night and party every day. Then it was every other day. Now I’m lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky.” Well for those of you…Read moreRead more
Video – Demolition’s never been so funky…
Video – Potash demolition – Take 2…
Mine building falls at second time of asking. Demolition experts made a second attempt to bring down a giant potash mill in New Brunswick Thursday. For more than thirty years, the mill building has towered 60 metres above the rural landscape. However, the potash mine has been inactive for a decade. The first demolition was…Read moreRead more
Video – Workers most at risk of skin cancer…
Construction accounts for half of work-related skin cancer cases and 42 percent of deaths. With the UK weather improving, health and safety experts are encouraging demolition and construction workers to cover up to prevent sunburn and skin cancer. A study commissioned by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) found there are 240 new…Read moreRead more
Video – Covered in bees…
Double-hive discovery halts billboard demolition. As if demolition wasn’t tough enough! A crew charged with taking down a billboard structure have been forced to evacuate the site after they disturbed two hives containing 140,000 angry bees. The crew was forced to call in pest control experts to relocate the potential swarm but now face the…Read moreRead more
Video – Tougher than it looks…
Crew suffers face-omelette moment as crane fails to fall. The scene is set. The air is still, the sea as flat as a mill-pond, and a crowd waits quietly anticipating the moment that a giant crane will fall under the explosive engineer’s spell. It is a video that the blasting crew will watch through a…Read moreRead more
Video – It’s a fair cop…
Aylesbury police station demolition underway. In what is surely the first instance of an interaction between demolition and the police, work has started to demolish the Aylesbury Police Station. Check out the video below:
Video – Port Mann bridge almost gone…
Blast heralds final chapter for Fraser River bridge. Last week, some of the final pieces of the Port Mann bridge that has spanned the Fraser River since 1964 were blasted. The implosion is captured in the video (below). Explosives were used to carefully bring down the last girders on the Surrey side of the old…Read moreRead more
Video – Palace goes pop…
Implosion fells Republican palace in Yemen. As the watching world will know only too well, Yemen is a country that is all too familiar with the sound of explosions. But at least this one was planned and controlled. That said, we’re using the word controlled in the loosest possible sense as you will see when…Read moreRead more
Video – Dazzling Delta…
Apartments fall in summer sun. Sadly, there is very little information to accompany this film. But if you like demolition action (and frankly, if you don’t, what the Hell are you doing here?) then you’ll love this. If only all demolition filming days looked like this!
Video – Goodbye Mr Smiths…
Iconic Warrington nightclub falls to Excavation & Contracting might. Those of a certain vintage might recall a UK TV show called The Hitman and Her from way back at the end of the 1980s. This “yoof culture” and music show combined the talents of producer Pete Waterman (the Hitman) and TV starlet Michaela Strachan (Her)…Read moreRead more