Video – DemolitionNews Video Review – Episode #3…

Another great show and another great guest star. Well we’re three weeks in and the DemolitionNews Video Review show is going from strength to strength. This week, we have a glamorous new intro, a guest appearance by Liam Neeson at his most scary, and fiver more must-see videos to caress your eyeballs. So give us…Read moreRead more

Video – Demolition magazine is BACK!!

New format, new team, same GREAT magazine. The mighty Demolition magazine is coming back (after a brief and unforeseen break) in a new and FREE all-electronic format. If you still want to receive a paper copy, the the ONLY way is to subscribe here. The regular cost is £60 per year, but if you sign…Read moreRead more

BAM goes against Grain…

Implosion fells part of Kent power station. Around 18,000 tons of steel came crashing to the ground when part of Grain Power Station was flattened using explosives on Sunday. Three buildings were destroyed at 8 am on Sunday, in what was the first stage of the project carried out by owners E.ON and demolition experts…Read moreRead more

Video – Priestly deploys attack squad…

Eight front line excavators take down Ontario bridge. Bridge demolition specialist Armac Group often refer to their bridge busting activities as “bringing out the big guns”. They are not alone. Check out this great video from Canada’s Priestly Demolition Inc as they tackle the overnight demolition of a bridge that spans 10 lanes of Highway…Read moreRead more

Video – Omega tower given taste of Liberty…

Tallest structure in Southern Hemisphere falls like a stricken snake. DemolitionNews regulars (we really MUST come up with a collective name for your guys) might recall a video we brought you a few weeks back of the demolition of the Omega tower in Australia. Well despite the fact that the tower was, in fact, the…Read moreRead more

Video – Ahead of our time…

The on-site wearing of kilts has finally caught on…apparently! Those that have been with us from the beginning – back when DemolitionNews was read by three people each week, one of whom was my mum – will recall that I once “field-tested” a workwear kilt. Well, possibly because yesterday’s General Election has all but floated…Read moreRead more

Video – DemolitionNews Video Review #2…

Watch to the end – Our second show features a very special guest appearance. If you haven’t got time to trawl through the DemolitonNews video archives – and, frankly, who has – we have a solution for you. Pour yourself a cup of coffee (or tea, the choice is entirely yours), sit back and allow…Read moreRead more

Video – Rosenlund strikes gold…

Exclusive new video captures all the action at the Gold Coast hospital site. We have been following the demolition of Australia’s Gold Coast Hospital (from a distance, sadly) for some months now. In fact, so keen has our interest been that the demolition contractor concerned – Rosenlund Contractors – has now given us exclusive access…Read moreRead more

Video – There she blows….

And this, my friends, is why exclusion zones can never be big enough. The next time you’re planning an exclusion zone for an explosive demolition contract, take a look at this video. The initial blast is neat and well contained; the tower falls in a nice straight line; and the structure begins to break up…Read moreRead more

Video – Doorstep demolition…

Aspect 4 Demolition completes contract in Demolition News Towers backyard. There’s nothing quite like having your finger on the pulse of the industry, is there? I have managed to report on demolition contracts as far afield as the US and Australia and yet managed to miss one taking place about 150 yards from my front…Read moreRead more