Never mind the Hollywood sequel – Here’s something good to watch on Independence Day. I will be honest. The first episode of Demolition TV was a pilot; a suck it and see; a dipping of a metaphorical toe into the imaginary and potentially icy waters of regular TV programming. But with accumulated views on now…Read moreRead more
Video – Demolition TV Episode #2
Video – Demolishing with Wolves…
Wolverhampton firm helps deliver Mander Centre demolition project C&D Consultancy is playing a key role in one of Wolverhampton’s most iconic demolition projects, which is set to breathe new life into the Mander Shopping Centre. The company was initially brought in by Cawarden Limited to provide expertise on the form of demolition to take and…Read moreRead more
Video – Dust 1, firefighter 0…
A brave attempt sir, but you’re going to need a bigger fire truck. Have you ever heard the expression “farting against thunder”? Well here is that expression made real. A single brave firefighter armed with nothing more than a hose takes on the dust from a collapsing building…and loses even more thoroughly than the England…Read moreRead more
Video – Parisian perfection…
Stunning new film captures six month French demolition. The eyes of the footballing world might be trained upon France at present as the European Championships head towards their denouement, but the eyes of the demolition world might do well to take a look just outside Paris as this superbly-shot demolition film captures a six-month contract…Read moreRead more
Video – Forshaw fleet to the fore…
Excavator army enters final phase at Tameside. A fleet of Forshaw Demolition excavators are now nearing completion of the former Tameside Council Offices. This amateur video captures some of the final action:
Video – How not to use a jackhammer…
The 40-watt club for the terminally dim inducts another member. OK, if brain cells were dynamite our friend Ivane would not have enough to blow his hat off. But you have to admire his determination:
Video – What drones are made for…
High level view of high reach in action. There has been much talk about Amazon using drones to deliver its packages to customers more effectively. There has been talk about using drones to deliver vital hydraulic parts to remote sites, quarries and mines. And there has even talk about using drones to deliver medical supplies…Read moreRead more
Video – A narrow squawk…
Demolition man cheats death by seagull. Those of us that spend time on demolition sites will know that, while hazards are ever-present, most demolition sites are not out to kill anyone. That said, there is the constant threat of objects falling from height, asbestos lying in wait, large machines buzzing about the place, and a…Read moreRead more
Demolition TV is here…
Demolition TV – the first TV show ABOUT demolition professionals and FOR demolition professionals – has finally arrived.
Video – Au revoir Riviera…
Hotel tower checks out in true Las Vegas style. In much of the world, explosive demolition as a spectator sport is very much a dying art. But, as anyone that has visited Las Vegas will surely testify, Las Vegas is not like the rest of the world. So when the time cane to fell the…Read moreRead more