Just come across an interesting article on the demoliton of the Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, New York. You can read the full story here: http://tinyurl.com/62z2z8
Kings County Hospital demolition details
Giving demolition a bad name…
Accidents happen in all industry sectors. Unfortunately, when they happen in the demolition industry, they have a nasty habit of making it onto the front page of the trade press, thereby reinforcing the stereotype of demolition as an unsafe business as can be seen here: contract-journal
Demolition with environmental benefits…?
All too often, the media portrays the demolition industry as a nasty, dirty business that wreaks havoc on the environment and local wildlife. So it is pleasing to report that at least one US newspaper has had the good sense to dig a little deeper to find some true environmental benefits to the demolition of…Read moreRead more
The stands come tumbling down…
The Rugby World Cup in 2011 may seem a long way off. But as workers on the various London 2012 Olympic sites in London will testify, time waits for no man. And so the stands at Auckland’s Eden Park rugby stadium have come tumbling down to make way for a new $NZ320 million venue to…Read moreRead more
National Recycling Awards – Deadline Looming…
The National Recycling Awards – the only gala event recognising and rewarding excellence in the waste and recycling community – are calling on companies in the construction sector to enter the Valpak Waste Minimisation Project of the Year category. Widely recognised as the recycling industry’s benchmark, the National Recycling Awards have been celebrating best practice…Read moreRead more
Implosion clears way for arena…
Crowds gather to witness implosion. Read the story and watch the video here: http://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080720/NEWS01/307200011/1008/NEWS01
Developer fined over illegal Brisbane demolition…
A Brisbane Magistrate has fined a developer more than $500,000 for the illegal demolition of four pre-war homes at Hamilton. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/08/06/2325959.htm?section=business
A warm welcome to all demolition professionals
Demolition News is the weblog of Mark Anthony, editor of the UK publications Demolition & Dismantling and Demolition Engineer, and European Editor of Professional Demolition International (PDI). It is my intention to use this weblog not only to post news from and for the demolition industry but also to gather response and comment from demolition…Read moreRead more