Recession Watch 1 – JCB to slash production…

JCB workers are being balloted over proposals to reduce their working hours as part of a bid to safeguard 330 jobs. The plant manufacturer said it was in talks with the GMB union over the proposals and a vote would be held in the middle of next week. Full details can be found here.

Swedish demolition video…

There are literally thousands of demolition-related videos on YouTube and the multitude of other video sharing websites but this ranks as one of my favourites. Not only is it unusual in that much of it is shot from the operator’s point of view but it also features (bizarrely) a Johnny Cash soundtrack! Highly recommended.

Earth Exchange nominated for industry award…

Earth Exchange®, the UK’s leading construction waste recycling website, has been shortlisted by the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) for its 2008 award for Innovative Practice. As a finalist in the CIWM’s awards for Environmental Excellence, will also be considered for the overall 2008 Environmental Excellence Award. Commenting on Earth Exchange’s success, Alex…Read moreRead more

Norwegian ski jump dismantled…

In what must surely qualify as the most unusual dismantling job of the week (if not the year), work is about to start on the dismantling of a huge ski jump that was originally built for the 1952 Winter Olympics in Oslo. As the artist’s impressions show, it will be a complex and fascinating job….Read moreRead more

The responsiveness of the independent contractor…

One of the biggest challenges facing any corporate company is that the bigger you get, the less flexible and responsive you tend to become. Here at Demolition News, however, we have just discovered an independent company that has responded with impressive marketing savvy to take advantage of the much-lauded change in taxation on empty properties:…Read moreRead more

Recycling company fined over fall…

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has warned companies to ensure work at height is carried out safely after a man fell from a lorry in Lincoln. European Metal Recycling Ltd, which has two depots in Lincoln but is based in Warrington, Cheshire, was fined £2,500 and ordered to pay £2,454 costs by Lincoln magistrates…Read moreRead more

EPA fines two companies…

The federal Environmental Protection Agency has brought a total of more than $630,000 in penalties against two Rhode Island companies for alleged violations of clean-air regulations. David Santanelli, co-owner of Bilray Demolition Company in Johnston — one of the two companies cited by the EPA — said he intends to challenge the complaint in court….Read moreRead more

New issue of Demolition & Dismantling out now…

The latest edition of the Demolition & Dismantling magazine, the biggest in the publication’s industry, is available now online. To view the new issue, please click Get your own – Open publication

Pyebush Prosecution…

Two men found guilty of illegally dumping tonnes of waste on Green Belt land in Beaconsfield in the UK were fined and given a community order last week. David Smith, 65, and Andrew Lonsdale, 44, both pleaded guilty to offences linked to tonnes of rubbish being dumped at meadowland off the A355 Pyebush roundabout at…Read moreRead more

C&D Waste Recycling article…

Here’s an interesting article on the increasing mechanisation of the C&D waste sorting and segregation sector: Veit Cos. is the latest waste-management firm to graduate from “dump-and-pick” to mechanized sorting of waste. It’s an effort to take it easy on landfills — and to stay competitive in the evolving waste-handling business. Read the full article…Read moreRead more