6 Reasons why SED 2009 might suck…

Prospects for the SED 2009 exhibition are not looking good. Let me start by saying that I haven’t missed a single SED since 1986. While I was spared the bog that was the Hatfield site, I am a veteran of Whipsnade, Milton Keynes and Rockingham and have seen the show grow and grow. Furthermore, I…Read moreRead more

Red Rhino keeps up the charge…

Red Rhino acquired by Winfield Engineering. Regular readers or the Demolition News blog will know that compact crusher manufacturer Red Rhino recently hit choppy water leading to the company being brought back from the brink of insolvency by Bryan Eccles At that time, Eccles stated that he was seeking a larger company to acquire Red…Read moreRead more

A call for support…

A call for sponsors of British Taekwon-Do champion. I will warn you in advance; what is about to follow has very little in common with demolition, although the subject matter is every bit as destructive. Leanne Evans, 17, is the British Taekwon-Do Champion and is scheduled to compete in the European championships in Croatia in…Read moreRead more

Haywood reaches high with Doosan…

Haywood Demolition takes Doosan high-reach UK demolition contactor Haywood Demolition Limited (HDL) has added a high-reach Doosan DX480 excavator to its fleet which has been supplied with a quick-release 3-piece boom giving a maximum reach of 26 metres, or 28 metres when a 2 metre extension is added. The high reach front end equipment, 2…Read moreRead more

When art imitates life…

Demolition expert offers script guidance for new theatre production It is rare that demolition people are portrayed on stage or screen. In fact, the only example that springs to mind is the lamentable Sylvester Stallone movie Demolition Man which, as it turned out, had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with demolition. However, a new play…Read moreRead more

Caterpillar CEO welcomes stimulus package decision…

Cat CEO Jim Owens has welcomed the stimulus package announced by Barak Obama: http://tinyurl.com/c5j6ld

Rigorous control for ghost ship dismantling…

Ship dismantling team face strict regulation to control ghost ship project The Environment Agency has announced rigorous regulatory controls to ensure that the French naval ship Q790 (formerly Le Clemenceau) is “dismantled and recycled in a safe and environmentally sound manner”. As we reported, earlier this week the Q790 arrived from Brest in France and…Read moreRead more

Video Exclusive – Demolition News reports from the NDTG AGM…

Demolition News brings you two video exclusives from the recent NDTG annual general meeting. The Annual General Meeting of the UK’s National Demolition Traning Group took place in London’s Docklands recently; and Demolition News’ cameras were on hand to capture all the major talking points. In this first video, NDTG chairman David Clarke provides a…Read moreRead more

Yes, it is another time-lapse video, but…

The story of a demolition project in time-lapse format. A few days ago, we said that there would be no more time-lapse videos appearing here; that they had become tired and old-fashioned; and that they would never again darken these hallowed pages. And then we saw this one. It was shot back in the Summer…Read moreRead more

Remote controlled demolition…

Earthmovers magazine offers useful insight into remote controlled demolition techniques Just came across this interesting article on the subject of remote controlled demolition. The article was originally published int he February edition of the UK trade magazine, Earthmovers.