Negative comments removed from Contract Journal forums Regular readers will recall that I recently posted an article called “6 reasons why SED 2009 might suck“. As a continuation of this theme, I made my thoughts clear on the forums run by Contract Journal which, coincidentally, is owned by Reed Business Information which also owns the…Read moreRead more
SED not keen on criticism…
Demolition of Californian food store…
New video showing demolition of a derelict food store in California We have added the following video because it shows the demolition of a derelict food store from the angle of the local authority, property owner and Dunn Company, the demolition company responsible. However, we can’t help thinking that this contract could have been just…Read moreRead more
The Detonators – Online NOW…
Discovery Channel offers online previews of The Detonators The Discovery Channel has placed some good pieces of its series “The Detonators” online. Unfortunately, due to copyright, we’re unable to embed these videos here but you can view them at very high quality using the links below: Detonating Cord Concrete under tension Power Plant Chimney How…Read moreRead more
Demolition by cannon…
An object lesson in how demolition SHOULD NOT be carried out Now here’s something you don’t see everyday; demolition by cannon!
Damping the dust in DC…
DustBoss equipment controls dust on a mall demolition project in the US capital. One of the Washington, D.C. area’s most experienced demolition contractors has successfully controlled extensive dust from taking down the old Waterside Mall, a 4-storey, heavily-reinforced concrete structure totaling 111,484 square metres. Crews were able to effectively suppress both surface dust and airborne…Read moreRead more
Gives a whole new meaning to football training…
C&D offers free football tickets for course bookings Tipton-based C&D Consultancy is offering FREE football tickets for a series of English Premiership matches at the nearby West Bromwich Albion ground for anyone booking two or more training courses TODAY. Full details can be found here.
Traffic at an all-time high…
Hits on the Demolition News website hit all-time high As you are all probably aware, Demolition News is very much a start-up company; we have been posting stories and video content for just a few months and slowly building a community of loyal and occasionally vocal readers. As a result, we are constantly monitoring the…Read moreRead more
Rugby stadium demolition video…
When demolition and camera-shake combine. Hilton Park Rugby Club in Leigh, Lancashire is being demolished, literally, as we speak. Here is a brand new video showing the work in progress; and apologies for the severe camera shake.
Demolition News welcomes new sponsor…
European Demolition Association uses Demolition News to promote spring conference. Regular readers of Demolition News may have spotted a new sponsor’s advertisement to the left of this article. We are delighted to welcome the European Demolition Association as our latest sponsor and look forward to an ongoing relationship with them in the coming months. Please…Read moreRead more
Demolition worker loses leg…
A worker has his leg amputated after demolition accident. UK trade magazine Contract Journal is reporting that a builder had his leg amputated by paramedics after a chimney he was demolishing collapsed on top of him in Newcastle. The old pub he was working in had become unstable and paramedics were forced to cut his…Read moreRead more