Demolition News was granted an exclusive video interview with JCB CEO, Matthew Taylor. To coincide with the official opening of its new Heavy Products factory in Staffordshire, equipment giant JCB granted Demolition News an exclusive video interview with CEO, Matthew Taylor:
Exclusive Video – Interview with JCB CEO…
Exclusive Video – JCB JS360 excavator unveiled…
JCB has unveiled the JS360, the latest addition to its heavy line of excavators. Earlier this week, the trade and technical press from across Europe descended upon JCB’s sparkling new Heavy Products factory for the official launch of both the factory and the first new product to be developed there; the JS360. In this exclusive…Read moreRead more
The changing face of demolition marketing…
Demolition marketing is moving online. I have been writing about demolition and construction for almost a quarter of a century now and, during that time, I have seen my fair share of changes, both in the industry that I write about and in the way in which I receive and pass on that information. When…Read moreRead more
Video passes 20,000 views landmark…
A video of Komatsu’s excavator cab testing has been viewed more than 20,000 times. A brief video posted on back at the end of August last year has been viewed a staggering 20,600 times! At the time of setting up this site, everyone involved accepted that we would be aiming our content at a…Read moreRead more
Contractor celebrates birthday with implosion…
A UK demolition company celebrated its 49th birthday with a successful chimney blowdown. At 10 am on Sunday 5 April 2009, Widnes-based J Bryan (Victoria) Ltd, successfully demolished the redundant 105 metre-high, reinforced concrete chimney stack at The Hanson Castle Cement Plant in Clitheroe, Lancashire. The demolition of the 2,500 ton structure made a good…Read moreRead more
Demolition goes theatrical…
A three-handed play with a demolition engineer as a central character has opened in London. I don’t normally write about my own personal life in these pages – let’s face it, who wants to read about me – but last night I had the good fortune to be invited to attend a production of Jez…Read moreRead more
Coleman brings end to chimney…
Coleman’s ultra-high reach excavator brings end to slip-form chimney. Birmingham-based Coleman & Company has demolished a 60 metre high slip-form concrete chimney as part of their works with BNHJV. Due to the extremely close proximity of busy railway lines and high pressure C.I. water mains explosive demolition was not an option. This very difficult project…Read moreRead more
The next big thing…?
Semi-automatic quick hitch alarm system offers low-cost solution to a burning issue. Every once in a while, a product comes along that you just think is RIGHT; an iPod moment, if you will. Well here’s the latest. It doesn’t look like much but the semi-automatic quick hitch alarm is clearly the result of a considerable…Read moreRead more
Joining forces to beat the equipment thieves…
Joint -Venture ramps up fight against demolition equipment theft. At SED 2009, Enigma Vehicle Systems PLC and Meck Lock UK will announce a new collaboration in security and tracking products for the UK demolition and construction equipment industry. The companies have jointly developed a new system that provides the benefits of the Skyline advanced GPS…Read moreRead more
Exclusive Podcast – Semi-Automatic Quick Hitches…
In an exclusive podcast, discusses the subject of quick couplers. The issue of semi-authomatic quick couplers is a problem that simply refuses to go away. In this exclusive podcast,’s Mark Anthony discusses this thorny topic with David Jones of Please note that the podcast has been split into three parts of less…Read moreRead more