Video – Shear power from Kinshofer…

Exclusive video walk around of DRS demolition shear. The boys over at Diggers and Dozers have done it again. While most of the watching world was focused on the quarry kit at the recent Hillhead 2014 exhibition, they dug a little deeper to find some hot new equipment that is destined for demolition fleets. Key…Read moreRead more

Video – Demolition kit at the cutting edge…

Demolition kit takes top spot in equipment innovation countdown. reports.

TDS steps up investment…

Tony Tapperell invests six-figure sum in fleet upgrade. Wirral-based demolition specialist Technical Demolition Services (TDS) is to invest in new large machinery after securing a six-figure funding deal with bankers. The Birkenhead-based business is involved in a range of demolition and dismantling projects throughout the UK including the current demolition of Whtttingham Hospital near Preston…Read moreRead more

Video – Breaking News….literally

Miller GroundBreaking will enter the hydraulic hammer business at Hillhead 2014. reports.

Video – Avoiding the sound of broken glass…

Caterpillar mini excavator proves its agility in glassware shop. reports.

CNH to build Sumitomo excavators…

Joint venture extension expands excavator product line. Demolition News reports.

Brokk goes large…

400 model remote controlled demolition robot gets upgrade. Brokk, Inc. has upgraded its electric Brokk 400 remote-controlled demolition machine to include a larger undercarriage for heavy-tracking applications like tunnelling and mining and for enhanced stability when operating with heavier attachments like metal shears and scabblers. Brokk also has improved the hydraulic system; it now provides…Read moreRead more

New Volvos for Embassy Demolition…

Embassy Demolition goes almost 100% Volvo with new excavator purchase. reports.

Turn your Bobcat into a robot…

UXB experts develop system to convert Bobcat skid steer into a remote-controlled robot. QinetiQ, a company more commonly associated with remotely-controlled equipment used to diffuse bombs and explosives, has developed a kit that can be installed in about 15 minutes on any of 17 models of Bobcat skid-steer, all-wheel steer, or compact track loaders that…Read moreRead more

Bobcat consolidation…

Skid steer market leader Bobcat returns to its roots with anti-recession consolidation. US magazine Construction Equipment reports that Bobcat is transferring all North American machinery production to its original manufacturing facility in Gwinner, North Dakota, a move that will result in discontinuing production at Bobcat’s Bismarck plant by the end of 2009. Click here for…Read moreRead more