Comment – Where are our thought leaders…?

In search of the left-field, outside the box, blue sky thinkers that will shape the sector. Sci-fi writer and author of 2001: A Space Odyssey – Arthur C. Clarke – is widely credited as having first conceived the notion of what we now know as a “space station”. Although it was a subject he would…Read moreRead more

Comment – Line in the sand…

NFDC President lives to fight another day. If anyone questioned the potentially tempestuous nature of today’s annual general meeting of the National Federation of Demolition Contractors, then those questions would have been silenced by the presence of the Federation’s solicitor on the top table from the outset of the formal part of the meeting. As…Read moreRead more

Comment – No-win situation…

The warring factions within the NFDC come face-to-face at tomorrow’s EGM. And so it comes down to this. The weeks of covert conversations, political manoeuvring and intrigue; the all-too-public blood-letting; the claims and counter-claims. All of this is now done, and tomorrow the warring factions of the National Federation of Demolition Contractors will meet to…Read moreRead more

Comment – Breaking everything but the glass ceiling…

Demolition could find itself isolated against the rising and welcome tide of gender equality. Yesterday I was asked how many women held senior positions in the UK demolition industry. There are so few that – rather than presenting a percentage or statistic – I named them. That conversation was the inspiration for this audio podcast:

Comment – Braced for impact…

The collapse of construction giant Carillion could have a devastating effect upon the UK demolition sector.

Going under the knife…

We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better than he was. By the time you get to read this, I will likely be in hospital with my head swathed in bandage. 458 days ago, I was hit in the face with a brick on a demolition site. The impact of…Read moreRead more

Comment – Should I stay or should I go…?

Debacle at National Federation of Demolition Contractors’ London region robs Federation of dream team. So one afternoon last week, my phone lit up like Times Square at Christmas. I was told – initially – that London and Southern regional chairman Rob Collard and his vice chairman Matt Phillips had both quit in a fit of…Read moreRead more

Video – The disconnection debate…

Scottish gas blast throws spotlight onto subject of service disconnections. It is now more than a week since an explosion ripped through a building in Scotland that was scheduled for demolition. At the time of the blast, an asbestos removal crew was working inside. Two men were severely injured, and one of them has subsequently…Read moreRead more

Comment – Paying to work…?

Why should a working man pay £51 for “permission to work”? Several years ago, just after my eldest son left full-time education, he went for a job interview with a company that was allied to the plumbing business. As my son was still quite young and since this was his first formal job interview, I…Read moreRead more

Comment – The Internet NEVER Forgets…

Why it is sometimes best to let sleeping dogs lie when dealing with the media. Back in my print media days, it was not unusual for us at Contract Journal to be required to print a retraction on a story that had caused upset or offence to an individual or a company. Even with such…Read moreRead more