UK demolition contractor Armac Group has announced that it is offering free prostate cancer testing to its male staff; and is calling upon other demolition contractors to join in the fight against this potentially deadly condition.
Prostate Cancer now effects 1 in 8 men in the UK and is now believed to be the UK’s most common cancer.
Speaking exclusively to DemolitionNews this morning, Armac’s Noel McLean explained that his company will be offering a free PSA blood test for Prostate cancer to all employees over 50, or anyone with a family history of Prostate Cancer. “Within one weekend we received a 100% take up from the workforce who were eligible. It’s just a case of overcoming the barriers often encountered by people in the demolition industry to getting tested.”
Mclean explains that these tests are not offered on the NHS so workers have to make their own arrangements. This is made more challenging with many workers working away from home and without ready access to their GP.
“Armac Head Office has arranged for everyone to be tested at our next safety stand down in February with a simple PSA blood test,” he adds. “All operatives who participate are being tested within their working day, will not lose any pay and the test is free.”
Having set the standard with this initiative, Noel McLean is urging other demolition contractors to follow suit. “We have proposed a National roll out for free PSA testing. If anybody would like to discuss this further, then please message me and I will talk you through it.”