Did you miss us…?

Apologies for our absence – It was beyond our control.

Imagine turning up on site tomorrow and find it was all gone. The buildings, the equipment, the people. Everything.

Well that was the predicament facing me when I fired up my computer late last Wednesday evening. I had been out all day and just had a few bits and pieces to take care of, so I thought I’d take a quick look at Demolition News.com.

And there it wasn’t. The best part of 13 years work, millions of words, tens of thousands of photos, and thousands of videos vanished. And there in its place was a message that read like the scam emails I receive by the cartload each week.

And then the messages started. Emails, texts, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp messages from the four corners of the globe informing us what we already knew- that the site was down – and asking us a question for which we had no real answer – when is the site coming back.
f course, if you’re reading this, then you will know that the site is back up and running and that normal service has been restored.

Even though this (frustrating) outage was beyond our control, we’d like to apologise for our temporary absence.