Demolition News Radio comes to iTunes!

Add a demolition fix to your musical mix.

Regular readers might recall that we announced just last week that our new (almost daily) podcast series Demolition News Radio was available both online and via Google Play Music.

Well, we just hit the big time. We have taken our rightful place alongside Elvis Presley, David Bowie, The Sex Pistols and the mighty Ultravox. Demolition News Radio is now on iTunes.

That means that you can add a demolition fix to your music mix; and you can take us with you wherever you go.

You can find Demolition News Radio in the podcast section on iTunes OR you can just hit this link. There are 12 episodes there already and we’re adding more including an extra-large edition tomorrow.

Furthermore, just as soon as the platform allows it, we will be extending Demolition News Radio to include audio interviews with key demolition men and women across the world.

So tune in, turn on and check out Demolition News Radio. And don’t forget to hit the subscribe button to be notified when each new episode drops.