Video – Right house, wrong street…

Contractor tears down the wrong house.

Both owners of a duplex in Rowlett, Texas said they are shocked that a demolition company mistakenly tore down their homes on Tuesday.

Lindsay Diaz and Alan Cutter own both sides of the duplex, and were waiting on insurance and a possible FEMA individual assistance declaration to decide on repairs at 7601 and 7603 Calypso Drive.

Diaz said she received a frantic call from Cutter’s wife on Tuesday afternoon saying the duplex was gone.

“I pull up, and — sure enough — it’s gone,” Diaz said. “There’s nothing left.”

The demolition company, Billy L. Nabors Demolition of Seagoville, was supposed to tear down a home one block away at 7601 Cousteau Drive.

A representative from Nabors Demolition told WFAA it had no comment, and that the situation was under investigation.

Read more here, or watch the local news video below:

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