Company works through holiday weekend to minimise disruption.
The former office block built in the 1960’s was demolished over the May Bank Holiday weekend to minimise inconvenience to train users and other Coventonians.
The demolition commenced at midnight on Friday 1st May and was due to be completed in 48 hours. The work was successfully executed and completed by Sunday afternoon and the access to the station was re-opened by 5pm on Sunday 3rd May and 6 hours early. It is now possible to see the station.
Residents, commuters and office workers were amazed this Tuesday morning to return to work to find that the whole office block had basically just disappeared.
The project took weeks of pre-planning and co-ordination with several key stake holders and logistically this could have proved to be very challenging, but with a team of highly skilled Managers, Machine Drivers and Operatives everything came together with excellent results.
The demolition was carried out by Solihull based Armac Demolition utilising several large high reach excavators. Some 4000 tonnes of concrete was demolished using a progressive fragmentation method where by the concrete was “chewed down” using hydraulic attachments, this method avoided the use of hammers during night time hours to avoid noise and disruption to local residents and businesses.