Video – Bye-bye brew house…

Iconic home of Schlitz brewery is all but gone.

It’s been an icon in Milwaukee since 1890, but soon the Schlitz brew house will no longer be standing. The massive demolition of the Brew City symbol is nearly complete but pieces of it’s ‘hoppy’ history are being salvaged.

“It’s a landmark,” Rich Northouse tells TODAY’S TMJ4’s Jesse Ritka. And watching the old Schlitz building being torn down brick by cream city brick, stirs up more than dust for Northouse, “Brings back a lot of memories from when we were kids.”

But memories and photographs will soon be all that’s left of the Milwaukee marker, at least from a glance.

Schlitz Developer Gary Grunau explains the demolition is part of a larger scale, multi-million dollar renovation that’s been underway since 2011. And taking down the Brewhouse is the third phase of that plan Grunau says, “The brew house was a building for 30 years we’ve been trying to find a usage for and we finally decided that it just had to come down, there was just no practical way to do it.”

Read more here, or view the video below: