Comment – Finger on the pulse…

Local councillor decries illegal demolition that was actually a gas disconnection.

Local councillors. Don’t you just love them? They are a fine band of well-read and highly educated men and women who take on a thankless task with their egos firmly in check and with no personal ambition beyond serving their local community. And, as such, they have eyes and ears everywhere and a finger locked firmly on the pulse of local events and local feeling.

Which, presumably, is why Lewisham councillor Liam Curran took to Twitter to decry the “illegal demolition” of The Porcupine pub on his patch with the highly erudite: “Unlawful demolition of Porcupine pub has begun! Plsestopit!” Now there’s a man that has truly benefited from a good education.

Of course, when a local councillor objects to an “illegal demolition”, it sets in train an unstoppable machine. And so an environment officer was despatched post-haste to the disused pub to call a halt to the unlawful dismantling.

However, it turns out that the “unlawful demolition” was, in fact, merely the gas company disconnecting the utility service.

I am certain the residents of Lewisham will be delighted that their learned local councillor is now utilising costly human resources based on nothing more than misleading and innaccurate social media rumour and speculation.

Read more here.