Passing the baton…

A packed house at the home of cricket saw the IDE presidency change hands yesterday.

Woodward (left) and Jack
Try as I might, I have been unable to think of a single way in which to link the Institute of Demolition Engineers with Lord’s Cricket Ground in the centre of London. And yet the venue – with its mix of tradition and celebration of excellence – provided a fitting backdrop to an IDE annual general meeting that marked the end of one era and the beginning of another.

Amidst the usual formalities and matters arising that provide a buffer between the morning networking and the post-lunch banter, outgoing IDE president John Woodward handed the reins of the Institute to his successor Steve Jack.

The regrets and reminiscences of Woodward and the hopes and aspirations of Jack have already been covered in two exclusive videos that you can view here and here.

While the pre-lunch focus was on the changing of the guard at the top of the IDE, post-lunch it was the turn of the members as scrolls were handed out to a huge number of individuals that have variously passed their examinations to progress through the Institute’s ranks.

A photo slideshow of the event – including a slightly disturbing shot of a cloning experiment gone horribly wrong – can be viewed below: