Someone needs a new calculator…

Demolition estimated at 300 million Euros set to cost just seven million.

You know that horrible feeling when give a customer a price and they accept it without a moment’s hesitation; a sure indicator that they would have paid a bit f not a lot more?

Imagine how the contractor on this contract feels then. Officials had estimated it would cost 300 million Euros to demolish the unfinished Algarrobico Hotel in Spain. But local newspaper reports now suggest that the work will be done for just seven million Euros.

Environment Minister Miguel Arias Canete has confirmed both central government and the Junta are ‘fully in agreement’ that the 411-room eyesore should be knocked down.

In November Madrid and Andalucia signed an agreement stating central government will shoulder the cost of demolition while the Junta will clear up the debris and restore the park back to its original state.