Video – HSE at the NFDC Demolition Day…

HSE’s John Underwood looks at the numerous challenges facing UK demolition contractors.

Following in the immediate aftermath of the launch of its controversial Fee For Intervention scheme, the presentation by the Health and Safety Executive’s John Underwood was one of the most hotly-anticipated presentations at the NFDC’s recent Demolition Day.

In truth, the whole of Underwood’s presentation was enlightening, providing a snapshot into the litany of legislation facing the modern demolition contractor. But most interesting of all comes at the 23 minute mark where Underwood suggests that – based on the HSE’s target figures – inspectors will need to be charging for around half of all inspections if they are to raise the anticipated £23 million. Underwood’s thoughts on what his fellow HSE colleagues make of the FFI scheme also make for interesting vieweing.