Seriously, is that thing still standing…?

Not even Confucius could accurately predict the outcome of this one.

You know that weird feeling you get when you see someone you haven’t seen for a really long time – they might be a distant elderly relative, a sportsperson or a movie star – and you think “man, I thought you were dead”?

Well that was precisely the feeling we got when we read late last night that the much-reported (to the point of tedium) Bellaire Bridge is not only still standing but still the subject of an ongoing dispute. The only way the dispute over its demolition could have lasted any longer, frankly, is if it had begin before the bridge was actually built.

But now it appears that even city officials have grown weary of a project that probably started when many of them were still at school, and have made a last-ditch offer to bring the sorry tale to a long overdue conclusion.

Seven sections make up the agreement, which now contains every detail for the city, Delta Demolition, and KDC Investments, minus signatures that make the contract binding.

In summary the agreement reads that Delta Demolition will put $500,000 into a bank account under the city of Benwood’s name. Should Delta Demolition cease work on the bridge for more than 60 days after it begins, the city can withdraw that money and hire a contractor to have the section of bridge over the city removed. In addition, if Delta Demolition does not complete the project, any scrap material from the bridge will be turned over to the city.

On the other hand, if Delta Demolition finishes the project within the bounds of the agreement, the $500,000 will be returned to the company and it will keep all value of the scrap material.

The agreement gives Delta Demolition 6 months to complete the project and only includes the part of the bridge over the city. The span over the river is a matter between Delta Demolition and federal authorities.

“The ball is in their court. If they don’t agree to it or sign off on it, then it’s pretty much a dead deal,” said Benwood Police Chief Frank Longwell.

Read more here.