Farewell to the forum…

DemolitionNews closes forum site to concentrate on core news reporting.

It is with a small tinge of regret that we must announce the closure of the DemolitionNews Forum which we launched just over two years ago.

The site was introduced to provide demolition professionals with a place to meet, discuss their challenges and fears, let off steam and just generally chat among themselves.

However, an increasing amount of that discussion now takes place either in the comments area at the foot of each story or, increasingly, on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. As a result, the DemolitionNews Forum has fallen into disuse and has become a veritable ghost town populated almost exclusively by potentially violent egomaniacs in love with the sound of their own voice and with a deep hatred of the opinions everyone else; or by Russian hackers looking to sell replica football shirts, Viagra, their wives, or a tempting combination of all three.

And so, with immediate effect, we are closing the doors or this well-intentioned but ultimately failed offshoot to our core news site and things like regular audio news updates.

We would encourage all our readers to make use of the comment capability at the foot of each news post and, if you’re that way inclined, to look us up on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube where much of this discussion now takes place.