High reach operator seeking work…

DemolitionNews backs operator’s crusade to get back into work.

Readers who have been with DemolitionNews from the beginning will know that we have had some success in helping industry people into (or back into) work. When the UK’s Controlled Group collapsed, we followed the company’s former employee Colin Hiscock as he battled to find a new job in an industry beset by recession. More recently, we helped Hungarian-born Gabor Prudencio achieve his ambition of pursuing a career inthe UK demolition industry.

And now we are calling upon you to help us find a job for a highly experienced excavator operator – Kevin Antoniewicz – who holds a full set of CPCS qualifications including demolition up to 15 metres, demolition up to 30 metres and demolition all heights. A mixed martial arts (MMA) enthusiast, Antoniewicz’s list of previous employers reads like a veritable who’s who of the UK’s best-known demolition companies and includes Keltbray, Squibb Group, John F Hunt and Syd Bishop Demolition.

So, as business begins to pick up, we are hoping that a demolition contractor in the South East of England will have a vacancy for an operator of Kevin’s experience and can help this devoted demolition back into work.

A copy of Kevin’s CV can be found here Kevin’s CV– Alternatively, you can contact him via DemolitionNews by email manthony@markanthonypublicity.co.uk.