Exclusive DemolitionNews video interview with former IDE president Terry Quarmby.
But that’s precisely the course taken by former Institute of Demolition Engineers president and industry veteran Terry Quarmby who has just been awarded a PhD to go with a masters degree earned a few years ago.
In his 80,000 word thesis, Quarmby highlights the correlation between the increase in recycling and an increase in on-site accidents; charts the rise of accidents since the beginning of the global recession; and postulates that – in the future – the industry might have to choose between safety and sustainability.
At 45 minutes, the following video is our longest and most detailed to date. But Quarmby is never anything less than insightful, and his research casts a spotlight on a major challenge facing the global demolition industry.
If you’re even remotely concerned with demolition or built environment sustainability, we strongly urge you to view this video: