Bellaire Bridge implosion moves step closer…

Resolution of legal obstacles imminent; bridge could fall in September.

It is a demolition project that has moved with all the haste of a pregnant elephant’s gestation period but, according to news reports, the hotly-disputed Bellaire Bridge has moved a step closer to imminent destruction.

Lee Chaklos of Delta Demolition says the process will start in earnest within days.

“We’ve gotten some news in the last few days that things are moving forward, as far as the legal problems we’ve had on the bridge,” Chaklos said. “And we’re going to be approaching the city in probably a week to 10 days and we’re going to hit them up for a permit once again.”

The bridge is a beautiful sight to scrap metal buyers Metalico Pittsburgh, who say it’s a huge job with an amazing amount of metal.

“The price of scrap fluctuates on a monthly basis,” says Dan Caumo, general manager of Metalico. “In today’s marketplace, 5,000 tons should be worth about $2 million.”

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