QEH demolition company in receivership…

Company embroiled in demolition delays calls in the receivers.

The company behind the controversial demolition of Queen Elizabeth High School in Halifax has been placed in receivership, leaving several small sub-contractors unpaid. Work on the project stopped earlier this month.

The company selected by the Nova Scotia government, Demolition Resources Limited of Amherst was fired because it wasn’t meeting deadlines.

Scotiabank is a secured creditor of the demolition company — which started to take down the school. The bank is owed more than $200,000 and it forced the receivership. Tree Works Ltd. is still waiting to be paid $7,500 for work it did in February. Verhagen Demolition Ltd. is out $7,000 and Fred M. Dunphy Excavating & Construction Limited is owed $5,000. But the province said it is not responsible for those debts.

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