MGS stack implosion on schedule…

Predicted weather conditions look perfect for tomorrow’s implosion.

Weather conditions for Friday remain favorable for the implosion of the Mohave Generating Station exhaust stack, according to Gil Alexander, Southern California Edison spokesman.

The 152 metre (500-foot) structure will be brought down at approximately 9 a.m. PST and 10 a.m. MST, as part of the coal-fired power plant’s decommissioning process.

Alexander said the schedule continued to stand as of Wednesday, but he will reconfirm today “because weather conditions can change unexpectedly.” To illustrate the point, he said the implosion could not have been performed Wednesday.

The Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management requires sustained wind speed at the time of the implosion not exceed 10 miles per hour, and gusts cannot be greater than 20 miles per hour.

Read more here.