Holly Street plant decision imminent…

Council to pick demolition company for Holly Street Power Plant later today.

It is a bidding process that has lasted almost as long as the forthcoming demolition is likely to; and a story that has taken more twists and turns than a drunken slalom skier. But the decision over who finally gets to tear down the Holly Street power plant is expected later today, bringing to a partial conclusion a bid and counter-bid process that has seen the contract variously valued at $7 million and $27 million and just about all figures in between.

Last May six contractors bid on the demolition project. The lowest bid was just under $14 million. The highest was almost $27 million. Less than one point separates the top two scoring companies and a $6 million difference in bid price.

Council Member Randi Shade says demolishing a power plant is not the kind of work the city does every day. She wants to understand the difference between the top two proposals.

“This was not a project put out for a bid solely based on price,” Shade said. “It was based on the team’s experience. It was based on the scope of the work.”

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