Dear Santa…

Well the weather outside is frightful…so let’s help someone in need.

Earlier today, we posted on Twitter and Facebook that we were venturing out into the bleak and snowbound Epsom countryside clad in Caterpillar boots and a Komatsu hat. Since then, we have had replies, emails and text messages asking why we weren’t wearing items of equally fine clothing from a variety of equally fine equipment manufacturers.

And this set us thinking. Given that the season of goodwill to all men is almost upon us (and setting aside our own desperate need for warm clothing) we’re throwing open the doors of Demolition News Towers and inviting manufacturers, dealers and other equally worthy companies to send us hats, gloves, jackets, scarves and anything else they have lying about the place (and we’re not too bothered if they’re from last Year’s Spring collection either).

We will collect all of the contributions and donate them to homeless charity (Centrepointin time for Christmas.

So go raid your merchandise stocks and send us what you have; you get to have an early Spring clean and someone, somewhere might actually be a little warmer this Christmas.