UK demolition contractor makes zero waste pledge.
“We have been exploring ways to increase recycling rates further to see if it is possible to achieve ‘nil landfill’,” explains health, safety and environmental director Lynda Robinson. “Currently the majority of our demolition waste is recycled; bricks, wood, metal, plasterboards for instance are easily segregated on site, ready to be reused or recycled. The difficulty is recycling the small elements of demolition debris or mixed waste.”
To overcome this problem, Complete Demolition approached secondary fuel producer, The Waste Exchange – which has have developed the perfect solution for recycling 100% of demolition waste.
As the only company of its kind in the North West, the newly formed ‘Waste Exchange’ is capable of converting ‘residue’ waste, which would have been destined for landfill, into high-quality flock and biomass fuel. These secondary fuels will then be used to power cement kilns.
“We are extremely excited about working with The Waste Exchange, they provide an ideal solution for recycling our demolition waste,” Robinson continues. “As well as helping Complete Demolition reach its target of ‘nil landfill’ , The Waste Exchange is helping to facilitate a significant reduction in the reliance on CO2 producing fossil fuels for the future.”