Reporters denied access to Savannah River Site’s K-reactor cooling tower implosion.
Aside from explosives and exclusion zones, there are certain things that are common at implosions around the world: A large crowd of onlookers; someone cursing loudly when the blast wave rocks them on their heels; and more video cameras than a Japanese coach party.
So it’s somewhat surprising to report that reporters were denied access to a major implosion in Augusta earlier today. Standing at (450 feet) in height, the K-Reactor structure is reportedly the second largest cooling tower in the world to be imploded. So we would have expected the media and YouTube enthusiasts to be all over this like a bad suit.
But, since that’s not the case, you can read more about the “top secret” project here while we try to find a backdoor source of some video footage to share with you.
And, in the meantime, here’s a video that was shot before the implosion took place: