Vegas demolition a sign of the times…?

Low-key dismantling will mark end for Vegas’ Queen of Hearts hotel.

Demolition in Las Vegas is normally accompanied by pyrotechnics and razzamatazz. But when the – admittedly small by comparison – Queen of Hearts hotel falls later this week, it will do so quietly and without fanfare.

The event won’t involve an implosion or a wrecking ball but an excavator with a claw, said Amy Maier, a spokesperson for Forest City Enterprises, the developer.

The demolition will make way for a new City Hall and office complex, beginning the process of bringing new development and thousands of jobs to the city’s downtown.

Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman and other city officials will be on hand to make remarks and watch the demolition begin at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the site, 19 E. Lewis Ave., which is at the corner of First Street and Lewis Avenue.

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