Not content with demolishing each other, professional wrestlers are branching out.
It’s only a few months since we reported on the on/off “relationship” between former professional wrestler Gristle McLargeHuge and US contractor Dykon and yet here we are again reporting on yet more grapplers diversifying into the demolition business.
The Extreme Makeover Home Edition demolition scheduled for 5:00pm has been delayed until 7:00pm.
Today we learned how the old Suggs family home in Horry County, South Carolina would be demolished as part of the popular Extreme Makeover Home Edition TV programme; and professional wrestlers, Big Show, the Bella Twins, and R-Truth, will be helping the designers tear the house down.
When EMHE built Renee Wilson’s home in Horry County in 2007, they used a giant golf club to smash the old house – a tribute to Myrtle Beach being known as the golf capitol of the world.
Read more here.