Surprise low bid not as bad as it seems…

News of another US low bid could be good news in disguise.

When I first spotted the headline “Anderson OKs demolitions after surprise low bids“, I was struck with two immediate thoughts. The first was one of “oh no, not again” as it sounded like the latest in a long line of low bid stories in which city official throw a party while another demolition contractor barely scrapes a living. The second thought was “do we even bother reporting this” as I know we’re in serious danger of sounding like a broken record on this subject.

However, having read beyond the headline, it actually seems that – for once – a low bid has gone in for a good, forward-thinking and positive reason.

According to the article on the website, the reason that local demolition contractor J and J Specialties was able to submit such a low bid is because they plan to salvage some materials from the blighted homes and sell it.

The fact that the recycling of materials as a means of revenue generation still comes as a surprise is remarkable.

But on a day when we’ve reported that virtually the whole of the Executive Inn will wind up in a local landfill, this is one low bid that should be welcomed.