The design of an exciting prototype demolition robot is doing the rounds on the Internet.
Let’s face it, demolition robots are so last century. Don’t get me wrong, Brokk and its competitors make some damn fine equipment which is unsurpassed in certain applications. But like the mini exavators and hydraulic hammers pon which they’re based, demolition robot technology hasn’t really moved forward that much in the past 20 years or so, save for a slight narrowing of dimension and a slight increase in percussive power.
But take a look at this.
As far as we can tell, the intriguingly-named Kaput.R demolition robot does not exist outside the mind of its creator and the computer upon which these images were rendered. However, what intrigues us even more is that the designers appear to have revealed some actual specifications for the machine, as follows:
- Kaputt.R has a folded two-armed architecture that allows a wide range of motion. A counter-weight effectively balances the extended arms.
- It is propelled by four electrically-driven Caterpillar tracks, allowing a wide and stable stance without exceeding the maximum load-bearing capacity of the floor.
- A selection of tools can be attached, such as a buzz-saw, plow, or high precision tools like the power gun.
- The Powergun was inspired by conventional explosive demolition and uses propane gas as its shockwave source, directing pressure waves of propane gas explosions in a linear direction, effectively weakening walls by shooting holes through them. The wall can then easily be knocked down.

Demolition News is currently trying to contact the designers for further information and will keep you posted. But, in the meantime….we want one!